Feb 10, 2007

Rajmohan Gandhi

Have you heard of him? Rajmohan Gandhi: writer, professor of Economics at the Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, mentor to countless students to who seek to study with him. He is also the grandson of the late Mahatma Gandhi.

Meeting him was the most amazing thing I have experienced in a long time.

He recently published a biography on Badshah Khan. I can't believe this. Seriously.

More on this later.


Bono Junooni said...

uh you cant just say its so amazing and then not give sny more details. hello! dont leave us hanging like that

jenani said...

well you'll just have to keep check my blog until i post something. Ha.

in all seriousness tho, its not like something happened it was just being in his presence.

Saleem said...

Haven't heard of him but I've heard of Badshah Khan.. does that count?

jenani said...

Sure it does. Badshah Khan is amazing. Discovering him changed my outlook on a lot of things... specifically the role of Muslims in the Non-violent movement of India.

Sabahat said...

salaams jenani, great to hear from you! i am having a wonderful time, but missing everyone back home. i hope you are well :o) you should visit me, and i am being totally serious when i say that! what better time than now?? hehe